Category: Blog

The Books You Read and the People You Meet?

              I was fortunate to hear a speaker more than two-decades ago tell of his unusual meeting with a motivational speaker named Charlie “Tremendous” Jones. Apparently to Charlie everything was tremendous, he had a huge heart and took great joy in telling everyone he met how he loved them. This guy who met him, …

Do You Know Jesus? Or Do You Just Know About Jesus? Part II

In Part I, we talked about the difference knowing about versus really knowing Jesus, and noticed that in John 15 Jesus tells us that unless we abide in him and he in us that we can do nothing! In this post, let’s answer the practical question of how to dwell in Christ, and to have him dwell in us? Well, …

Do You Know Jesus? Or Do You Just Know About Jesus? Part I

A friend of mine was being critical of a lady, particularly in the way she dressed. “I just can’t believe what she wears, it’s just not right for a Christian woman to dress like that” he stated strongly. Well, to be honest, I somewhat agree that this person’s mode of dress was a bit out …

See the Beautiful Video For First-Person Messiah!

My publisher rocks! They have some very talented folks in all areas, but click here to see the inspiring video trailer for First-Person Messiah: Transforming Your Life Through Amazing Encounters With Jesus. If you do not have the book yet, this book helps you to see Jesus through the eyes of those who met him–it incorporates …

Train Your Brain to Crave Reading (You’ll be Glad You Did)

So yes, the average American reads less than one book per year. I do not know what the rest of the world is doing (do my Canadian friends have any stats to share?) but we have gone from near 100 percent literacy and being well-read in the days of the visit of French Diplomat Pierre …